Real Estate Club


Real estate

What we did

Scouting & Validation
Business modelling



Unused potential of real estate is exploited and maximised through Boavista's projects.

Brand story

Boavista AG specialises in the modernisation, innovation, and space-efficient use of urban areas. Our goal is to identify and develop the full potential of properties in order to achieve a sustainable increase in value.

Our focus is to support owners to realise the potential of their properties. We help optimise the possibilities of your properties in line with their personal needs.

Challenge & Action

Living space and building land are scarcer than ever in Switzerland. Nevertheless, there are numerous properties, especially privately owned ones, that are far below their actual utility value in their current condition. Boavista identifies these properties in a systematic analysis approach and supports owners in tapping the individual maximum potential of their properties from analysis, project development, financing and implementation to marketing.


After a strategic entry into the market, Boavista achieved its first significant milestone with the successful acquisition and development of its inaugural project. In less than a year,  the project has been transformed, including a high-end residential property, from land acquisition to sale with construction permits. This initial project is already sold out, and numerous other properties are in the development pipeline, all set for potential value growth.

Are you interested in investing in Boavista? Please feel free to arrange a non-binding initial meeting.
Dana Matache
CEO & Co-Founder
Simon Schrämli
Mirko Spring
Claudio Gysin
Co-Founder & Investor Relations
Kevin Studer